Time to introduce our troop!
All the girls in our troop have interesting, unique characteristics that make us one cool family. My greatest friends and sister are in the troop. We all love each other and will never forget one another. Our troop is a very adventurous one and a few of us will do whatever it takes to find something to cover ourselves in, like on our ten day trip to Seattle Washington when Lizzy found that kelp makes a very good dress. Our Western US was a life changing experience. I love being with all of our girls and would do anything for any of them!
Hello, Emma here, again. This time it's about ME!! I have been in troop 1640 for 10 years. It has been an exiting and adventurous 10 years, that's for sure. I love writing, sleeping, reading, chatting with friends and cleaning my room. Yes, cleaning my room, I'm not your average monkey in the zoo. I can do things a lot of teenage girls and guys can't do. I cook every other night for dinner, I clean the house, I know how to take a door down, sand it and make it look smacking brand new! If I decide to do something, nobody can change my mind. The other day I decided I wanted to paint my room, so I did. Like I said, I'm not your average monkey. I am very adventurous, and do really, nothing girly. I'm not afraid to touch weird things, eat weird things or do weird things. Also, I am currently a part of Taekwondo and really enjoy it. The exercise is great and so are the people. I have a dog named Piper; she is a West Highland White Terrier, and a cutie. She loves to hunt things and it's not too often that I get to go and catch her and save a cat's life. I try to be funny, but I don't really know if I am..... Anyways back to me. I am in a debate team with Brittany and Selina and in a GREAT church with a wonderful youth group. I am continuously active at church. I go about every Sunday morning and EVERY Sunday night for Sunday Night Lutherans. Girl Scouts, what can I say, they aren't my friends anymore, they're my family. I see at least two of them everyday, and we just love to hang out with each other. Hey, we love each other.
Hey there, readers! I’m Brittany, and I've been with troop 1640 for six years now. I am fifteen years old and live with my mom, dad, and little sister here in our little town in Georgia. We have many pets: three cats, two rabbits, and one dog. Lilly, Grayson, and Blackie (very original, right?) are our cats, and Candie and Dusty are our rabbits. Our newest addition to the family is little Chili Dog! We call him Chili because of something from my dad’s college years as well as the mark across his left eye that looks like a chili pepper. He is about 7 months old, and he is just a bundle of energy and crazy! I love him, nonetheless.
I am a very adventurous girl, and this started long before Girl Scouts entered my life. I can never resist a chance to go camping or climb a tree or even go on a creek walk with my friends. My favorite adventure is sailing with my family. I love to write stories, fantasy, of course, and to read about journeys through epic fantasy worlds or lives with extreme action. In addition to Girl Scouts, I ride horses at a ranch down the road, practice speaking fast in the debate club that my dad started (which consists of only four of us, two others from this troop and a friend from school), play epic compositions in the school orchestra, and slash at opponents in the school fencing club. It’s hard to keep up with all I do, but I enjoy it all and somehow make it work.
As I’ve stated, I have been in Girl Scouts for six years, meaning I joined when I was in 4th grade. What an amazing time it’s been! Friends have come and gone within the troop, but I now share special bonds with all of them, both with those who have left and with the seven of us that remain. The six other girls that remain aren’t even considered just friends anymore. I see them as my sisters. I have very much enjoyed growing up with them, and I believe I am a better person now than I could have been if I had not meet any of them. The years of camping, fundraising, and planning have brought us closer than many can claim. I mean, how could you forget the girls that you spend 10 days in Western Washington with? It’s just amazing what our troop has done, and I can’t imagine my life without Girl Scouts.
Hey! I’m Selina, pleasure to meet you! Well, I’m a sophomore in high school and of course a fellow Girl Scout of Troop 1640. My favorite hobbies are reading and writing. I absolutely love to read! Fantasy has been my all time favorite genre so far in my life, but now I’m really getting into spy fiction and mystery. The only problem is I never seem to have ANY time to do it, so lately I’ve been listening to a lot of audio books while I perform my daily routines in life. I also like to write as well, but I still have lots to work on. My dream job when I grow up is an author, but if that doesn’t happen
I’d also want to be a video game designer, though realistically, (as I’m not so good in math) I’d probably be something else. Now for all those young girls out there thinking about joining a GS troop, I just want you to know that it truly can change your life. I joined this troop in the 6th grade. On that same year, I went on
my first campout, built my first fire, and did things just unimaginable to my young mind just a few months before. On the summer of that second year, I was on a plane ready to spend a week in the city, beaches, and rainforest of Seattle, Washington. And now, we’re preparing for Europe. But those are just the big things. The thing that really matters is the love and friends you gain!
I'm Katie! I'm a sophomore and I go to a school that specializes in
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education. I feel very
passionate about STEM subjects, and I am currently taking AP bio, AP calc,
3D modeling, and engineering applications as my 4 STEM classes. Of
course that's not ALL we do, as I'm in AP world, sophomore world lit,
and German II as well. I'm very involved with the German program at my
school both in and after classes, and according to my teacher I'm the
best German student in the class! I want to be a mechanical engineer, work in Germany, and work for Disney at some point in my life.
than school, I'm very involved with this Girl Scout Troop. I've been a
Girl Scout since kindergarten, but I've only been with 1640 since 8th
grade. I've learned so much through Girl Scouts about camping,
leadership, culture, and people. Tackling this Europe trip has been one
of the biggest and most important things I've ever done, and I'm so
lucky to do it with such an amazing group of friends!
Hi, this is Coumbah and I love this troop. I have been in Girl Scouts since the third grade. Honestly Girl Scouts was really when my life became an adventure. With this troop I have learned so many different and unique things, from learning to build a campfire to socializing and talking to people older and younger than me. I love how my Girl Scout troop isn't even a Girl Scout troop to me now it’s more like another family that I can go and talk to about my life and I know they will listen. With this troop I have become the person I am today, and I can’t wait for us to take our next adventure to Europe. It will be an awesome trip for me because I’m with everyone I love and have grown up with.
Hi my name is Rosie. I am 13 and in the 7th grade. I am in probe classes with an A average. I have been in Troop 1640 since I was in pre-school. From pre-school until 3rd grade I was a tag-along, and now I am a full member! That means I have to do the leadership work of the troop, too. My hobbies are tennis, ice skating, and swimming. I enjoy going outside, playing on an electronics, and cooking in my free time.
Hi there! I’m Lizzy and I’ve been in the troop since 1st grade! Well, I love music (all kinds really), dance (especially in the rain), singing, theatre, nature, the outdoors, movies, fashion, makeup, getting to know people, and making people smile/laugh. I’m in my school musical theatre program! It is an audition based class, and we put on musicals. If you couldn’t already tell, I’m an artsy fartsy person. You could say that I'm exactly like Anna from the new Disney movie "Frozen"!
Ms. Susan
Hello! I am Susan, the leader of this wild tribe of Adventure Women, otherwise known as Girl Scout Troop 1640. I say I’m the leader, but at this point, the girls are doing most of the leading, and I spend a lot of time giving a few guidelines and mostly getting out of the way. The girls are 15 years old, and very capable of dreaming up their own adventures and making them happen - like the trip to Iceland and England! The girls hold each other accountable for their responsibilities. They run their own meetings, plan and manage their fundraisers. This blog’s purpose is partly to showcase what Girl Scouts can do, and partly to fundraise for the Europe trip. Follow along – the girls will blog about their decision process and fundraising activities, as well as the adventures they have along the way. Be sure to see out earlier blog posts of caving and canoeing last year - Most of our adventures are things I have experienced before, I had never caved and was quite frankly a little nervous. We were clawing and crawling into some caves with our gear, and spending the night. My Blog Editor, who is also my daughter, has informed me I need to write more about myself, so I will add that when I am not working at my paid job as a strategic planner in the foodservice business, or taking care of my family, or hanging out with my Girl Scouts, I love to spend time with husband and friends, read, cook, and do all things outdoors – hiking, camping, canoeing, fishing. And I love to travel! My quirks are: If I don’t get my exercise in the morning, I’m grouchy all day, and I’m always putting on lip balm.
Ms. Donna
Hi! I’m Donna, Troop 1640’s Assistant Leader. I am married and have two wonderful daughters, one in 10th grade; the other in 7th grade. We live here in GA in the house where I grew up and I enjoy raising my children in my home town. My husband and I are self-employed and work out of our home which allows us to spend much more time with our family. Our favorite hobby is sailing and we do it as often as we can! My girls play in the orchestra, are members of the fencing club, take horseback riding lessons, and both are involved in Girl Scouts. I’m finding it difficult to keep up with them these days! :o)
I first became involved with Girl Scouts as a parent when my oldest daughter joined this troop in the 4th grade. I was not really sure what Girl Scouting was all about but have definitely learned that it really is all about Courage, Confidence, and Character. I truly believe that I have learned as much in Girl Scouts as the girls have! We’ve biked, hiked, wall-climbed, zip-lined, camped, and laughed together for many years now and I have enjoyed every minute of it! I’d have to say that my favorite activity is the primitive camping because it’s always an adventure from start to finish!!
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