Monday, March 18, 2013

Cookie Booth Sales by Selina

Hey! This is Selina! As you all know, cookie sales have just finished for the year, and this year it hasn't been as productive as hoped, at least not for us.

Our assistant troop leader, Ms. Donna, made a GREAT booth for us to set up at the sale. It was big, bright and colorful and had a bunch of nifty gadgets to help us collect the money we earned. Unfortunately, we were unable to put the amazing booth to much use this year!

The weather was one of the bigger problems. This year, it's been extremely cold and windy, and our booth kept falling down and getting wet, but the main problem was that there weren't many interested customers.

In one sale I sold at with Brittney, we stood outside of Walgreen for nearly two hours after school. It was drizzling, windy, and cold, which usually doesn't bother us, but standing for two hours in that weather, was still quite a torment. After about 30 minutes, our sale number was still at 0 boxes, so Britt and I set a goal to sell at least 10 boxes. One hour later... we reached it!! So we said, "Okay, lets go for 12!" Well, that seemed to be the end of our luck because the sale number stayed at ten when we finally decided to pack up... except... then a nice lady came and she told us that she'd buy some from us too. And in my head I was thinking, "Please buy two boxes!!!" and then she said that she'd take a Samoa and a thin mint and in my mind I was dancing and singing "Celebration!!!!"

After a few more sales and a lot of help from our family and friends, we finally sold off all the boxes. Whew! Its good to be done with that!
But, another problem is that we didn't get a lot of donations this year either. You see, our troop only gets about 50 cents for each box of cookies that we sell.

Anyways, I just want to say, that all of you who bought cookies this year, whether from us or another Girl Scout troop, that we'd like to thank you and your support, and that we hope you enjoy your cookies!

Selina and Brittany outside Walgreens

Brittany and Emma outside Kroger

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