Thursday, December 5, 2013

Meeting Happenings by Emma

Hey Guys,

Emma here.  Tonight I'm going to explain a little bit about what happens during our troop meetings. Each meeting one girl's family is assigned to make the whole troop dinner. Now we have 9 people and that might not seem like a lot, but when you're growing and eating like elephants, can you really be blamed? Anyways, the first few people who arrive help Rosie and I set up the table. That includes putting in the extra boards {to make the table longer}, putting a table cloth on, silverware, napkins, drinks, and, of course, to set the mood, light a few candles.  At the same time, we have two girls go to the creepy, dark basement and get the white board.

After everyone arrives, we help put the food on the table and sit down to eat. It's always very delicious! A custom we have all gotten used to is when Selina brings diner there's always a... surprise. She's brought octopus, fish head, duck's foot, pig blood, goose egg, and every time, they've had an acquired taste. Ah, Selina, you never fail us.

During dinner we share stories, have laughs and enjoy each other's company. When everyone has finished their meals, we start the clean up. Everyone takes their own plates into the kitchen and then just helps making everything go back to normal.

We then go into the den and begin the meeting.  Usually, we start with an opening, sometimes we say highs and lows of our week or what we're looking forward to during the weekend.  We have a Troop President who leads the meeting, and every girl has a leadership responsibility in the troop.  We run the meetings but sometimes get a little off track, so our Troop President has to keep us going. 

After we go through everything, we go to the kitchen and eat dessert.  A few words to sum this up: delicious, chaos, dancing, and music.

After all this is done it's about 9:45, and it's time for everyone to go home.

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