Saturday, April 19, 2014

Finalized Theme by Brittany

So we finally decided what we are going to do for the “Theme” of the trip. We decided that the theme is pretty much going to be the Girl Scout mission: leading with Courage, Confidence, and Character to help make the world a better place. There will be two parts to this project: gathering thoughts on courage, confidence, and character; then connecting those thoughts to making the world a better place. This will then be turned into a video presentation that will show the information we gathered.

How will this happen? Well, that’s simple. While we are overseas (or even in the airport if we want) our girls will go up to people and do a mini interview. Each girl will have a couple of questions dealing with courage, confidence, and/or character that they can ask people. Then we will ask them how one of these characteristics relates to making the world a better place, all the while recording their responses. This will then become a video presentation.

But here is a better question: why are we doing this? That’s a simple to answer too. We want to know other people’s opinions on topics that are a central theme to Girl Scouts. With this, we can make people think about how these aspects make the world a better place, and we can maybe even inspire others to try and change the world for the better.


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