Thursday, June 12, 2014

Iceland day 4: Raga's Farm

Raga’s Farm

Surprised I’m writing about horses again?? I’ve been really excited to write about this...
Today we visited an Icelandic farm. The owner, Raga, had been communicating with us (thanks goes to the American Embassy for introducing us) for a couple months about visiting while we were here. So that’s where we spent our morning-- at the most beautiful farm I’ve ever seen. 
It was a little bit difficult to find the farm though. We had to go past this one town (that holds the only prison in Iceland) and then you end up on a road with a bunch of farms branching off of it. We must have gone up and down that road two or three times before we called Raga and figured out that we passed her driveway multiple times. But no worries; we finally found it. 
We drove up the mile-long driveway to find ourselves at this small little farm house surrounded by acres upon acres of pastures. It was absolutely gorgeous. Raga said that they had about 80 horses on the property at that time. And beautiful horses they were... But anyways, the family also had a small garden beside the house as well as a small stable with four stalls and racks of saddles and bridles. There were also three attention-craving sheep dogs always by our side. Katie absolutely adored them, and everyone else followed suit. I’m pretty sure we all fell in love with Raga’s adorable daughter too. She was so cute, and very energetic, much like a seven-year-old should be. She didn’t seem to speak English yet, but she still had fun with us and made a good effort to communicate however she could. 
The horses are also part of their family. Raga has her favorite two, and I’m sure her children have theirs. She let us go out in the field with them!!! We got to see the foals that she had on the property, and we got to see Raga’s favorite horse. The mare is 31 years old, which is quite old for a horse. We got to see one of her prize stallions too. And my goodness, that was a beautiful horse. A beautiful bay, only three years old and not even broken yet. But Raga said that he bred some of her best foals, and I’d believe it. He was one of the most beautiful horses I’d ever seen. 

And then there’s Raga’s son. Eleven years older than his sister, Thor knew English and was a little more involved with us. I very much envied him. He was a horse trainer, lived on this beautiful farm, and owned seven beautiful show horses. I was very grateful too because he allowed us to ride his horses. It was amazing!! Since I had experience with horses, he saddled up a horse, threw me on, and we just began riding up and down the driveway. Then, once he knew I was comfortable, he started teaching me how to get the horse to tolt (the special gait that is unique to Icelandic horses). It took a while, but I finally got it down!! And it was amazing!!! Unlike anything I’ve ever tried before. 
Well, this article is getting a bit long, and I’ve highlighted on what I want to, so I’ll just give you a brief overview of what else we did. We spent a lot of time with the dogs, and Raga was telling us about the dogs she’d bred and where they are now. She also had the girls (not me since I was riding horses) gather rhubarb from her garden and make rhubarb pie. 
It tasted absolutely amazing. As did lunch that they made for us. Thor had made lasagna for us that was ready when we arrived, and it was absolutely fabulous. Better than any lasagna I’d ever had. So, that was basically it. Thanks to Raga’s and her family for allowing us the opportunity and giving us a wonderful day!!! ~Brittany

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