Thursday, June 12, 2014

Iceland Day 5 - a visit to the US Embassy

American Embassy

(Viking Sculpture in downtown Reykjavik)

Before we took the trip, our Girl Scout troop was invited to take a tour of the American Embassy in Iceland and share lunch with them! It was a great honor for us, especially because inviting people to lunch at the embassy isn’t something that happens to just anyone.

We were warmly welcomed to the embassy and went straight to lunch where Marci Brown, our contact in the embassy, met us. We had a nice sandwich lunch with macaroni salad and Icelandic Skyr cake, which was delicious! While we ate, Marci told us about how she started working for the embassy. In fact, she said she owed a lot to the Girl Scouts because doing some badge work inspired her love of traveling the world.  She told us about her job now and how the US embassy works-- basically, their job is to protect US citizens that are in Iceland safe.

After we ate, she showed us some of the offices in the embassy and showed us the things she has to keep in a safe, like blank passports she can issue to American citizens in Iceland and blank visas. We got to see another woman who we met at lunch at work in her office, and even met a college student who was interning at the embassy. Before we left, we gave Marci our gifts for her-- a book about Juliette Gordon Lowe and a rock that we hand painted that said “Courage, Confidence, and Character,” which she will keep in the garden at the embassy!

The visit to the embassy was the highlight of my day! Everyone there was so friendly and interesting, and I think it exceeded everyone’s expectations.

-- Katie

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